About Multicaf
Founded in 1989, the MultiCaf Community Cafeteria’s mission is to provide food aid, create social ties and seek out resources for low-income people in the Côte des Neiges / Snowdown neighborhood.
- The number of households currently served is 6,487, an increase of 18% compared to January 2022 and an increase of 585% compared to January 2020.
- 40% of the supported population receive a salary, but it’s insufficient.
- A 25% increase is expected in 2023, bringing the number of registered civic addresses to 8,108.
- More than 3,000 children benefit from food aid services.
- Our human resources include more than 115 employees, volunteers, and contractors.
- MultiCaf is the organization that receives the most food from Moisson Montréal and is the organization that supports the greatest number of people in terms of food security throughout the city.
Devmont's Support
We are very happy to see that our donations and those of our partners can make a real difference in our community.