The buildings we construct will stand for the next century or more, so it’s essential to prioritize sustainability and energy efficiency. Getting it right the first time is crucial, as the long-term savings will be significant.
At our core, we believe in implementing high-performance building techniques such as robust insulation, top-quality windows, and air exchange recuperation systems.
We have taken it one step and two steps further. We are building our first development with aerothermal, Westbury Green — this reduces energy consumption significantly — with high-efficiency air recuperation systems.
All our future projects will have little dependency on fossil fuels. WESTWALK in DDO will be designed geothermal with energy systems for heating, air conditioning, and hot water.
We want to build for the future and contribute to helping the environment. It’s smart, and it’s responsible.
Devmont will be in the forefront of building sustainable, responsible, and all our projects will be built with this in mind.”
– Sam Scalia
During this period, we have donated almost $1 million, with $150,000 contributed just last year alone. Our involvement with Multicaf has included collecting food and Christmas presents for the children who are clients of the center.
Due to the increasing financial needs of Multicaf, which have quadrupled since the outbreak of COVID-19, we have set a goal to double our contribution from last year and raise $300,000.
To achieve this objective, we have decided to organize an annual fundraiser event at the Westbury Ballroom in collaboration with Sugar Sammy, a renowned event planner, and local artists such as Blandino, Kevin Ledo, Jason Botkin and Melissa Del Pinto.
The event was a perfect success. We’ve raised $375,000 for Multicaf.
Honest, transparent and respectful.
We are very excited for the next steps for Devmont, focusing on all these new projects, ESG initiatives and bringing Devmont to the next level.”
– Sam Scalia